If you watching my previous video on Gold VS Silver you will know that SILVER is like GOLD on Steroids.

SO WHEN GOLD Prices increase, Silver prices Skyrocket.

On that video, many of you guys commented and said Ben WHAT ABOUT SILVER MINING STOCKS??

Well Silver Mining Stocks are actually a leveraged version of Silver!

On average when Silver Prices double, Many silver mining stocks can increase by a factor of 8!

This means silver miners offer great potential for 10 baggers!

SO IN THIS VIDEO, I’m going to reveal my top 3 silver mining stocks!

Be sure to watch till the end for a Bonus Small Cap mining stock which could be a 10 bagger!

  1. Pan American Silver

The is one of the largest Silver Mining companies in the world.

Diving into Pan American Silver’s operations.

https://www.panamericansilver.com/operations (Diversified Across Multiple countries.

Diving into their investor relations.


(Diversified across a variety of metals, 28% silver, Gold, Zinc, )

  1. Hecla Mining Company (HL)

Hecla Mining Company is the largest silver producer in the USA and the oldest NYSE Listed Mining Company in the USA.


Investor Presentation.

Hecla Mining is a great company is you want some exposure to mining in the US and Canada.

Low mining cost.

215 million in cash.

Diversified across multiple sites across the US and Canada.

Diving into the share price.

  1. First Majestic Silver

First Majestic Silver is a great large cap silver mining company with their CEO one of the biggest silver bulls in the industry.

Final thoughts?

However, all that glistening isn’t gold Many Silver mining stocks are also very risky and can crash hard!

(Take the amount of ounces of gold/sivler times by the current gold price. ) Compare that to their market cap. (Most gold mines usually trade at close to their market cap)

But with sky high government debt, & central banks from around the world printing trillions of dollars in stimulus many fear hyperflation and thus the defalued of paper fiat currency.

Billionaire Ray Dalio, the worlds largest hedge fund manager even wen’t as far as saying “cash is trash”

Gold also performs better in low interest environments as it doesn’t yield any interest.

When interest rates are high, people can get nice returns from bonds or even in their savings account.

So with this bubbling catalyst going on right now, Gold has reached all record highs and thus are gold & silver mines about to sky rocket.


(Diversified mines across many countries. Acquisitions for less risk & cost cutting.

Which is a little safer, than doing exploration.

Check the balance sheet, Low liabilities.

Gold mines usually finance the entire operation and get to take a royalty over the operating period of that mine.

The most important metric called AISC

All in sustained costs.

How much does it cost the company from start to finish to refine it and sell it on the market.

For example, if a gold mining companies cost is $1000

Then at todays current gold price they are making around $1000 per ounce in profit.


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