8 Investing Quotes from Carl Ichan | Investing Strategy

8 Investing Quotes from Carl Ichan | Investing Strategy

Carl Icahn is a legendary activist investor who’s brash & outspoken Strategy of investing has made him a billionaire, with an estimated net worth of $16.7 Billion. 

As an activist investor Ichan analyses poorly run companies where he believes a change in management strategy will improve the company & increase shareholder value.  

To accomplish this Carl Icahn buys up a vast amount of shares in a company at opportune moments in order to gain voting rights for shareholders. This can even result in a hostile takeover if not approved by the board of directors or stubborn management who may fear for their jobs. 

Ironically many shareholders welcome Carl Ichan’s presence as an investor as they know he will hold management accountable for their decisions. 

Fun Fact: Carl Icahn is known for his public fights with another Legendary Activist Investor Bill Ackman. This occurred during the Herbal Life investment, where both activists took opposing positions & argued very personally on public TV!  

INVESTING Strategy:  Activist Investor, Contrarian, Value Investor

8. The thrill is in the chase

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest (1)

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

“I enjoy the hunt more than the good life after the victory”. This is another way of saying the thrill is in the chase.
It is clear Carl Ichan and many legendary investors such as Warren Buffett love the game. As it is obvious they are extremely wealthy but still love the game. 

7. Keep your head

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

“Keep your head when everyone around you is losing theirs”. This is an extract from Carl Ichan’s favourite poem. “If” by Rudyard Kipling.

“If you can keep your head when all about you   
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,   
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,   
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   
    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

The extract of the poem really speaks to Carl Ichans controversial investing style. He is an independent thinker who isn’t afraid to rock the boat. 

6. Invest into what nobody wants

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

“When nobody wants something that creates an opportunity”. As humans we naturally tend to have “herd mentality” and wish to follow others especially if they look like “experts”.

However, this can often leave to bubbles and market crashes. When everyone hates a certain stock and their is bad news in the air that can create an opportunity. 

5. Focus on not being stupid

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

“Some people study artificial intelligence, I got rich studying natural stupidity” . This is an hilarious quote by Carl Ichan. Great play on words but very true. In investing a great strategy is just to try and “not be stupid” rather than trying to be overly smart.

Legendary Investor Howard Marks gave a great Tennis analogy to win amateurs, rather than trying to hit “winning shots”, try to “avoid not hitting losers”. Charlie Munger states “I’m all for artificial intelligence…as there is such a shortage of the real thing”.

4. Carl Ichan and Bitcoin

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

“i’m looking to get into Crypto in a big way, $1.5 Billion”. Ichan has previously been undecided on whether to invest into Bitcoin. He has stated he “hasn’t opened a position yet” but it “could be an inflation hedge”.  In an interview with CNBC Ichan stated:

“In the long run, we are certainly going to hit the wall. I really think there will be a crisis the way we are going, the way we are printing money, the way we are going into inflation. If you look around you, you see inflation all around you, and I don’t know how you deal with that in the long term,” – CNBC.

Carl Ichan’s former rival Billionaire Bill Ackman has recently spoken out publicly of his Inflation Trade, a bet that interest rates will rise. 

3. Don’t Confuse Luck with Skill

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

“Don’t confuse luck with skill, when judging yourself or others”. This is a powerful quote. Luck and chance plays a role in many great success stories, the trick is to not confuse this luck with skill.

Example, if somebody buys Bitcoin because they hear someone say it on the news, it goes up and they million’s…this is great but what was their strategy. Invest from news. Next thing the news talks about another token, they invest again and lose everything.

Many legendary investors believe in focusing on the strategy as opposed to outcome. Howard Marks speaks alot about the role of randomness in the market.

2. Tough Business

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

“You learn in Business…If you want a friend get a dog” . Carl Ichan is know has been a tough business person and knows that friendships (although important) can be affected when business is the on the line. This is why it can be dangerous to go into business with friends as arguments may happen and you may lose them.

1.Bill Ackman is a Cry Baby

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

Carl Ichan Quotes motivation 2 invest. Credit: www.Motivation2invest.com/Carl-Ichan-Quotes

“Bill Ackman is a cry baby in the school yard”. This is an extract from the “battle of the billionaires” a public argument on CNBC. Carl Ichan and Ackman had a major battle over the company Herbal Life.

Billionaire Bill Ackman had shorted the stock as he believed it was a “pyramid scheme” and Carl Ichan took the opposing side. In the end, Ichan came out on top with a reportedly $1 Billion in profits.

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Many members of the Motivation 2 Invest community also have this passion and this drive to learn more each day. If you want to learn how to become a great fundamental investor or just join our thriving VIP Group. Check out the link herehttp://motivation2invest.com/product/stock-investing-course/  

 We open the course to a limited number of members each month so be sure to reserve your spot now. Good Luck! 

Carl Ichan Quotes Gallery x 8

8 Unbelievable Facts about Big Short’s Michael Burry?

8 Unbelievable Facts about Big Short’s Michael Burry?

Michael Burry is a legendary investor & hedge fund manager. He founded the hedge fund Scion Capital, which he ran from 2000 until 2008.
He is widely known for predicting the 2008 Financial Crisis & Housing bubble, popularised in the Oscar Winning Movie “The Big Short”(2015).
In which he had credit default swap short positions against “Mortgage Backed Securities”.

Mortgage Backed Securities explained simply. Source: Corporatefinanceinstitute.com

Mortgage Backed Securities explained simply. Source: Corporatefinanceinstitute.com

8. Did Michael Burry Wear No Shoes?

Yes. The eccentric Michael Burry used to regularly wear NO SHOES in the Office!
This was confirmed by the Big Short Movie director Adam McKay “most of the time he doesn’t wear shoes!”.

Michael Burry Big Short with No Shoes

Michael Burry Big Short with No Shoes. Edit by Motivation2invest.com Original Credit: VF.com

7. Is Michael Burry a Doctor?

Yes, Burry studied economics at UCLA before going on to complete a medical degree at Vanderbilt.
After which he left medicine to become a full-time investor & set up the legendary hedge fund Scion Capital in 2000.

DR Michael Burry UCLA Speech

DR Michael Burry UCLA Commencement  Speech

6. Does Michael Burry Like Metal?

Yes. This was confirmed by Big Short Movie Director Adam McKay “He’s a guy who listens to speed metal,”.
The Legendary Hedge Fund Manager deals with the stress of angry clients and partners by listening to heavy metal

5. Does Michael Burry play the drums?

Yes Michael Burry Listens to Metal & blows off steam playing drums. Christian Bale depicts this well in the Movie the big short & is shown hitting drum sticks in the office in many scenes as tension rises up to the financial crisis of 2008.

Christian Bale playing Michael Burry in the Big Short Metal Drums

Christian Bale playing Michael Burry in the Big Short Metal Drums

4. How Did Michael Burry Meet his Wife?

According to Michael Burry: I met my wife on match.com. My profile said that I’m a medical student with only one eye, an awkward social manner, and 145 thousand dollars in student loans. She wrote back, “You’re just what I’ve been looking for!” She meant honest.

Michael Burry Big Short movie 1

Michael Burry Big Short movie. Source: Big Short Movie clip

3. Does Michael Burry have a glass eye?

Burry was born and grew up in San Jose, California. At the age of two he lost his left eye to retinoblastoma and has had an artificial eye ever since.

Michael Burry Glass eye 1

Michael Burry Glass eye Close up shot

2. Does Michael Burry have Asperger’s?

In the Movie the Big Short, Burry (Play by Christian Bale) was shown to be socially awkward in some scenarios, this was one indication that he may have been autistic.
After which his 4 year old son was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, and Burry thus then diagnosed himself with Asperger syndrome after researching the disorder about the disorder.

Michael Burry Big Short. Motivation2invest Cartoon.

Michael Burry Big Short. Motivation2invest Cartoon. He diagnosed himself with Asperger syndrome.

1. Is Michael Burry a Genius?

The definition of a genius is someone with “exceptional Intellectual or creative power” or one with an exceptional skill in a particular area of activity.

It is clear, Burry has has an exceptional general intelligence (qualified medical doctor) but he also has great skill when it comes to investing & timing of his major trades. So yes he does seem like a modern day Genius. 

How much did Michael Burry Make in the Big Short?

In the “Big short” Michael Burry predicted the US Housing bubble & had a major short position against Mortgage backed securities which were wrongly rated by credit agencies.

Burry made a profit of over $100 million for himself and $700 million for his hedge fund investors. 

In more recent times, Burry was an early Investor into Gamestop before it’s metric rise thanks to a Short Squeeze & then Forbes cited him as the Hedge Fund Genius which started the momentum.

Nick Sleep Investment Letters Summary, Returns & Quotes | Holy Grail of Investing

Nick Sleep Investment Letters Summary, Returns & Quotes | Holy Grail of Investing

Nick Sleep is a Legendary investor who ran Nomad Investment partnership, which was one of the worlds most successful investment firms!

Nomad Investment Partnership beat the market for over 13 years clocking up an astonishing compounded return of  20.8% per year vs 6.5% for the market index.

Adding up total returns the fund delivered 921% compared to just 117% for the MSCI World Index between 2001 & 2013.


  1. Investing Returns with Nomad Investment Partnership
  2. Why did Nomad Investment Partnership close?
  3. Nick Sleep Holdings/Stocks?
  4. Nick Sleep Letters Summary | Top 10 Investment Principles
  5. Nick Sleep Quotes Gallery x 29

Nomad Partnership Investing Returns

Investing into Nomad Investment Partnership would have brought you some incredible returns. 
Using the compound interest calculator, starting with $50,000 and dollar cost averaging around $700 into your investment account every month for 13 years .

Investment Return Nomad Investment partnership compound interest calculator

Investment Return Nomad Investment partnership compound interest calculator. Source: thecalculatorsite.com

At the end of the calculation period you would have over $1 Million! Life changing money for many.

Nomad Investment Partnership Nick Sleep Returns

Nomad Investment Partnership Nick Sleep Returns. Source: thecalculatorsite.com

Nomad Investment Partnership Investment return. 20.8% Compounding annually turns $50k and $700 per month into over $1 Million in 13 years. Source: Calculatorsite.net

Nomad Investment Partnership Investment return. 20.8% Compounding annually Source: Calculatorsite.net

Nomad Investment Partnership Investment return, 20.8% compounding annually would turn $50k and $700 per month into over $1 Million in 13 years!

Can you still invest with Nick Sleep?

Unfortunately you cannot as Nomad was closed in 2014, due to many issues discussed in the next section. 

Why did Nomad Partnership Close?

Nomad Investment Partnership closed for a variety of reasons, Nick Sleep stated he closed the fund in 2014 to seek “more caring pursuits” but there is more to the story than this.

Nick Sleep & Nomad were facing increasing pressure from the UK regulator due to the apparent “risk” of the fund which ran a focused portfolio compared to the traditional diversification

model. At one point the company had just three stocks! Although there were the no formal proceedings against the investment firm the stress of not being able to run the fund his way must have affected the decision.

Paraphrasing the words of Warren Buffett “It’s like marrying for money, not good…but crazy if your already rich!” Nick Sleep was very rich at the time. 

In Nick Sleeps own words on why the fund closed he stated a mixture of forces “pushing & pulling.”

The direction of regulation was certainly irksome and the tools of regulation unnecessarily blunt but, also, we wanted to feel that we did not have to justify actions, and inactions, on an ongoing basis to a revolving door of interested parties.

We also felt we had wrung all that we could out of the investment process and to continue would have been to rinse and repeat, as it were.


After all, we had what we needed, just a few superb businesses and we were unlikely to sell any of those to fund the purchase of another cigar butt,”


He goes onto say…

The pull was the prospect of independence and a new adventure, this time working out how to recycle the funds for others to benefit.

We wound up at an age (mid 40s) when it forced us to build something new (you can’t sit on the beach forever) and, hopefully, we would live long enough to also see the consequences of our actions; we would have to eat our own cooking, as it were. 



Nick Sleep Fun Fact: 

Despite incredible returns Nick Sleep didn’t study Business or Finance but Geography. Sleep stated in his letters this is a “polymath” subject and focuses on many different areas. The subject also encourages the asking of questions, he believed this helped him to become a better investor. 

Nick Sleep Nomad investment Partner Bio.

Nick Sleep Nomad investment Partner Bio. Credit: Motivation2invest.com

Nick Sleep Holdings?

Nick Sleep & his business partner Qais Zakaria, ran a focused portfolio which had just 3 stocks at one point! These were Amazon Stock, Costco and Berkshire Hathaway. 

According to legendary Value Investor Mohnish Pabrai in an Interview, “At one point Nick Sleep had 40% of the fund in Amazon Stock alone, the regulators did not like this

After reading Nick Sleeps letters it was clear he made some witty comments which hinted about putting even more of the fund into Amazon Stock alone, “Our fund is not entirely in Amazon Stock…yet” 

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partnership Amazon Stock

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partnership Amazon Stock. Credit: Motivation2invest.com

Which Stocks did Nick Sleep Buy?

Other stocks Sleep invested in at periods included Ocado, the British grocery delivery stock and Games Workshop stock a “dungeons and dragons” style figurine  provider.

Fun Fact: Games Workshop had a cult following and when I was young I bought some of the figurines. The surprising point is this was very mainstream.

I wasn’t the typical kid who would be into these “dungeons and dragons” style figurines, most the people into the store were grown men at the time.

I also remembered the kits cost alot at the time, it could of been £40 ($55) for some little toys which you had to paint yourself! Back then I knew the margins were brilliant for the business. 

Games workshop share price return Past 10 years

Games workshop share price return Past 10 years

Nick Sleep & ASOS

Nick Sleep purchased ASOS stock after trimming his Amazon position. 

 Sleep has always admired the founder of ASOS and the fact he was more motivated by the mission than money.

According to the Nomad Investment Partnership Letters:

The best entrepreneurs we know don’t particularly care about the terms of their compensation packages,

….When we asked Nick Robertson, the founder of Asos, whose paper net worth has increased hugely since we have known him, whether, now he is a rich man, he has thoughts of leaving, his face lights up with the future possibilities of his firm and says he is having more fun now than ever before.

 In this aspect of his life he has moved on from monetary rewards driving his behavior, and we are sure the business will be better for it.

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partnership

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partnership. Credit: Motivation2invest.com

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes. Returns if invested into Tesla Stock or Amazon. Source: Motivation2invest.com

What is Nick Sleeps Net Worth?

Nick Sleeps net worth is currently unknown, but looking at the investment returns of his Fund, 20.8% for 13 years combined with the fee’s for running the fund. 

Using the rule of 72.   Number of years to double you investment = 72/Interest Rate    

= 72/20.8 = 3.46 years . Thus Nick Sleep would have at least doubled his net worth every 3.46 years along with the fund, but he also would have been paid fee’s for management. 

Thus it is estimated Nick Sleep would easily be a multi millionaire & possibly a Billionaire. 

Nick Sleep Letters Summary:

Although we cannot invest with Nick Sleep & Nomad Investment Partnership, we can learn from his vast wisdom to help us to make better investment decisions. This is the closest you will get to a “Holy Grail of Investing”

Reading Nick Sleeps Investment letters from Nomad is a time consuming task as there is over 200 pages, which aren’t linked together like an easy to read book.

Thus after many requests, to help you guys out…I have done the hard work for you. I have deciphered the main themes and highlighted some quotes from the letters.  For each of the Quotes I have provided a brief summary & expansion of the concept.


Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes. Credit: Motivation2invest.com

Nick sleep talks alot in his letters about the “Destination” of the company, projecting forward to where the company is heading.

He calls this concept “Destination analysis” and is a great mental model to help analyse companies. It was clear from day one Jeff Bezos had a big vision for Amazon,

“We want to be the everything store” , they started with Books before expanding categories and moving further along towards their destination. 

This same model could have also been used to spot companies like Tesla in the early days before the stock increased by over 700% in 2020 alone! Elon musk has stated from day one

“We want to create affordable EV’s which are cool” , “Starting with a high priced, low volume model, to low priced, high volume” 


Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes. Credit: Motivation2invest.com

Nick Sleep likes to identify “Long term compounders” then hold them for long periods of time. Companies which reinvest well and have high return on capital (>15%) are great compounders over time.

Jeff Bezos accomplished this at Amazon with a culture of experimentation, not every product was a success (Amazon Fire phone was a disaster!) but big bets like Amazon Web Services (AWS) more than made up for these.


Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes. Credit: Motivation2invest.com

Any time you see headlines & fearmongering in the press ask yourself,

Does this news make a meaningful difference to the relationship the business has with it’s customers?

In other words, “Have the fundamentals changed?” if the answer is no then usually there is no need for alarm, if anything the lower stock price could be a buying opportunity. 

Nick Sleep was a master of filtering the signal from the noise, back when Amazon nearly wen’t bankrupt and was facing daily pressure in the press for “not making any money” Nick Sleep held his shares and bought more during the dips and opportunities. 


Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes. Credit: Motivation2invest.com

Rather than putting eggs in multiple baskets, Nick Sleep puts his egg in one basket he knows alot about. 
This idea may seem counter intuitive to the diversification principle taught by Finance professors all over the world, it is actually not so revolutionary. 

Most independent business people got rich by specialising in one company type & industry which gave them an edge, Nick Sleep in his Letters uses the example of Sam Walton (Wall Mart), Bill Gates (Microsoft) and more. 

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes. Focus portfolio over diversification. Source: Motivation2invest.com

Even Legendary Value Investor Charlie Munger states “Three stocks is enough diversification” ,as it’s hard to know alot about everything. 

Financial Warning: There is a caveat to this, you need to know an incredible amount about those three stocks,effectively more than anyone else to give you an edge. If you don’t have this in depth knowledge then diversification is best for most investors. This is not financial advice. 


Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes. Scaled Economics Shared Principle. Credit: Motivation2invest.com

This is one the key business model concepts Nick Sleep used to invest into companies like Amazon and Costco. 

Most businesses save money as they scale thanks to the “economies of scale” , however very few companies reinvest this or pass on these saving to the customer.  Those that do create a flywheel of success. 

As the company passes savings onto customers, customers spend more and retention is increased, this increases revenues, profits and Market share. 

Scale Economics Shared Nomad. Source: Motivation2invest.com

Scale Economics Shared Nomad. Source: Motivation2invest.com

Scale Economics shared 2

Scale Economics shared. Nick Sleep Source: Motivation2invest.com

 Amazon utilised this business model to grow the market share substantially when the media stated amazon was “losing money” , they were growing market share and customer loyalty. Today over 72 Million IS Households are Amazon Prime Members 

Approximately 80% of the US population. 

Costco actually makes a loss on their Chicken it is so cheap. However, they place it at the back of the store to encourage the purchase of other products with higher margin on entry. 


Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes. Credit: Motivation2invest.com

In the Nomad Letters Nick Sleep Talks alot of firms which are doing lots of little things better as a competitive advantage. He calls this an “Interlocking, self reinforcing network of small actions” 

Sleep even goes onto say this could be more beneficial than doing “just one thing right. “

Traditional competitive advantages include, Patents, Network effects etc. Whereas Nomad Partners has identified these small advantages which compound. 


Invest into Misunderstood businesses

Invest into Misunderstood businesses. Credit: Motivation2invest.com

The paradox of investing is that companies which everybody knows is great will be priced high and thus may not be a good investment. Thus the solution would be to invest into “Misunderstood companies

these are companies which you have some insight on.  If everybody hates a company and you know it’s not so bad, or even great then that could give you an “Information Edge

8. Customer Focus over Competitors 

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Jeff Bezos has always stated “The number one thing which has made us successful by far is the obsessive compulsive focus on the customer”. As companies grow and become more bureaucratic they can lose focus on what matters which is

the customer. Especially as management may be disconnected from actually speaking to customers. 

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep also talks alot about “relationships” in his investing letters. He states the most crucial relationship is the what the company has with their customers. 

Costco and Wall Mart examples of Customer Focus:

For example, Costco pays it’s staff 80% more than competitors they were criticised for this. However, it is clear that their staff are in direct contact with customers and thus this relationship is vital.

Sam Walton did something similar at Wall Mart, he trained every staff member to go up to a customer and always ask “how are they? and if they needed help” with a SMILE which is crucial. 

This may seem simple, think to how many stores you go to and the staff look miserable and not inviting. 

Wall Mart even has a customer chant. 

Give Me a W! Give Me an A! Give Me an L! Give Me a Squiggly! (everybody does a funny twist) 

Give Me an M! , Give Me an A! , Give Me an R! , Give Me a T!
What’s that spell?
What’s that spell?

Who’s number one?


Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes. Credit: Motivation2invest.com

This is one factor where Nick Sleep differentiates himself from a traditional “deep value investor” like Benjamin Graham. Rather than just buying very cheap companies, Nomad Partners focus more on companies with special DNA. 

A company is just a group of people working towards a common mission, and the culture or DNA of the company is what bonds them together. 

Google is a great example of this, they had a strong culture in the early days of hiring the most intelligent people then treating them well.

Amazon also has a very strong & unique culture, Bezos quotes lines such as “it’s always Day one” to encourage the company employees not to get complacent with their success.

We have seem many past success stories lose their crown over the years from IBM to GE


Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nick Sleep Nomad Investment Partners Letters Quotes

Nomad Investment Partners were true long term investors, Nick Sleep even stated “Few are” referring to the fact that most investors say they a long term, but when things go wrong they sell out fast.


Nick sleep is a Legendary Investor who will truly go down as one the greatest of all time. His style of running a focused 3 to 5 stock portfolio was unconventional and often seemed risky by many. But when you can pick the great “long term compounders” the results speak for themselves.

Do you want to learn how to invest like the greats?  

We have compiled together a series of battle-tested investment strategies from the great hedge funds and legends of all time. Compiled together into an easy to decipher investment strategy, in addition to a private membership group
To find out more & start your journey click the link here: http://motivation2invest.com/product/stock-investing-course/

Memberships will be closing soon so be sure to check out availability for spaces now.

Nick Sleep Quotes Gallery x 29

Click the hidden slider arrow on the right of the image to scroll through the gallery of 29 quotes by Nick Sleep from the Nomad Investment Partnership letters. 

Michael Burry | What stocks has he been shorting?

Michael Burry | What stocks has he been shorting?

Who is Michael Burry?

Michael Burry is a legendary investor & hedge fund manager. He founded the hedge fund Scion Capital, which he ran from 2000 until 2008.
Following the Financial Crisis of 2008, he closed the firm to focus on his own personal investments.

Michael Burry Big Short. Motivation2invest Cartoon.

Michael Burry Big Short. Motivation2invest Cartoon.

Which Stocks is Michael Burry Shorting?

Burry has a Major short position against Tesla stock.
He has long put’s against 800,100 shares of Tesla worth approximately $534 million, according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

I previously covered Robinhood Stock before the IPO and stated “I like the company alot but I would wait for after the IPO to buy”

Burry also has a Major Short position against Ark Invest, Michael Burry has taken out a $31m position Cathie woods Disruptive Innovation ETF.

According to a 13F regulatory filing (2021, Q2), the ‘Big Short’ investor’s Scion Asset Management has invested into put contracts against 235,000 shares of the Ark Innovation ETF (ARKK). 

What is Michael Burry’s Net Worth?

Michael Burry is one of the most famous & successful money managers in history & has a personal Net worth of over $300 Million. However, despite many misconceptions he is currently not a Billionaire officially yet.

Michael Burry – The Big Short Summary:

Michael Burry is widely known for predicting the 2008 Financial Crisis & Housing bubble, popularised in the Oscar Winning Movie “The Big Short”(2015).
In which he had credit default swap short positions against “Mortgage Backed Securities”.

What are Mortgage Backed Securities?

Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) are a collection of Home loan mortgages compiled together to create an investment security.
The idea between these securities is risk was “supposed” to be diversified. However, many of the loans inside these mortgage Backed securities (MBS) were given to many home owners with bad credit & even no job!

These were called “NINJA loans” “No Income No Job” . However, they were still rated AAA (Investment grade) by many credit agencies!!

Mortgage Backed Securities explained simply. Source: Corporatefinanceinstitute.com

Mortgage Backed Securities explained simply. Source: Corporatefinanceinstitute.com

Michael burry saw that ultimately fundamentals would bring the truth about the real value of these securities & many would plummet to zero!
He was right, This was the 2008 Financial Crisis, Housing Bubble which resulted in the collapse of Lehman brothers investment bank & a major stock market crash!

Best Scenes from The Big Short?

The Big Short movie is known for explaining complex financial terms in unconventional methods.

Popular movie scenes Include, the hilarious “Jenga CDO scene” & Celebrity Chef Anthony Bourdain Fish Soup scene.
These movie scenes were used to explain a Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO) , a synthetic investment product which represents different loans bundled together and sold by the lender.

Big Short Movie Clip: Margot Robbie Explains Mortgage backed securities.

The idea behind a CDO is that the number of loans bundled together diversifies the risk for investors.
However, this can be taken to extreme levels with various bad loans or “bad Ingredients” bundled together in an Investment grade (highest Rated) instrument.
The wide spread trading of these securities with major unknown default risk was one of the main causes of the sub prime mortgage crisis of 2007.

Are all Mortgage Backed Securities Collateralized Debt Obligations?

Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) two very similar but technically different financial instruments.
The key difference between the two lies in what these assets are. MBS, as their name implies, are made up of mortgages home loans bought from the banks that issued them.
However, CDOs are much broader: They may contain corporate loans, auto loans, leases, credit card debt and of course mortgages.

Who played Michael Burry in The Big Short?

In the blockbuster Financial Movie, “The Big Short” (2015), Christian Bale played Michael Burry as the eccentric Hedge Fund Manager which made a “Big Short” bet against the US Housing Market.


Caption: Christian Bale as Michael Burry in the Oscar winning movie, the Big short)

The Big Short Cast also includes, major Hollywood talent such as; Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, and Brad Pitt.

How much did Michael Burry make in the big short?

Did Michael Burry Get Paid? Yes, he made $100 million for himself and $700 million for his hedge fund investors,when his bet against the housing market paid off.


Is Robinhood Stock a Buy Now? Deep Dive Stock Analysis & Valuation

Is Robinhood Stock a Buy Now? Deep Dive Stock Analysis & Valuation

1.Robinhood Stock Analysis

2. Robinhood Founder

3. Robinhood  Financials & Valuation


i. OVERVIEW. Robinhood is a Online stock broker platform which focuses on the retail investor & pioneered the concept of free trading founded in 2013.

robinhood stock analysis

robinhood stock analysis

ii. BUSINESS MODEL: The Company Makes the Majority of Revenue from “PAYMENT FOR ORDER FLOW” , “buy/sell spread” from Retail & Institutional Investors.

How Payment for Order flow works Robinhood

How Payment for Order flow works Robinhood. Source: https://mingclee.medium.com/payment-for-order-flow-robinhood-589fabcfbaa7


Great Founder Traits: Long term vision, Tech Entrepreneur, Deep Knowledge of Industry

,FOUNDER LED :VLADMIR & Baiju Skin in the Game. (6% of company each) INSIDER TOTAL: 13.9%.

Robinhood Shareholders

Robinhood Shareholders. Source. SimplyWallstreet.

INVESTORS: Ark invest 0.2% of company.


Robinhood Stock Analysis Valuation. Source; Motivation2invest

Robinhood Stock Analysis Valuation. Copyright Motivation2invest

robinhood stock valuation 2

Robinhood Stock Analysis Valuation. Copyright Motivation2invest (Original Template professor of Finance New York University)

Assuming a 50% revenue growth rate next 6 years, We have a Fair Value per share of $35. This is close to the original IPO price. 
Stock only 14% overvalued right now.

This is NOT Financial Advice. 


,  i. Commodity Broker/Competition (lots of brokerages for stocks many offer free trading now), Many Brokers already gained large market share in the international market, could, limit robin hood expansion.

ii. Robinhood controversy – Suspending orders in Meme stocks, damaged brand reputation shows platform limitations.

Robinhood Gamification criticism, gambling addictions SEC probe INSIDER BUYING: Ark Invest & Borad member (Jonathan ) small amount $2 million at $38.

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Coinbase stock is UNDERVALUED, but with RISKS? | Stock Analysis

Coinbase stock is UNDERVALUED, but with RISKS? | Stock Analysis


When there’s a gold rush why not just sell shovels!

In the Cryto era you can invest into a brokerage platform such as Coinbase, this is a great way of playing this market.

  1. Coinbase stock analysis
  2. Coinbase Founder, Next Elon Musk?
  3. Is Coinbase stock undervalued?
  4. Coinbase investors & Insider trading
  5. Investing into Coinbase, MAJOR RISKS
In a Gold Rush , sell Shovels Bitcoin

In a Gold Rush , sell Shovels Bitcoin. Source: Quotefancy.


Coinbase is building the crypto economy a fair,  accessible , efficient and transparent financial system enabled by crypto.

Coinbase was one of the first and most easy to use crypto brokerage, so this company was started in 2012. whereas companies like Binance was started in 2017. So a few years after, thus Coinbase was  really a pioneer in the space!

coinbase stock overview

coinbase stock overview. Source: Coinbase investor relations.


corporate-about-page-hero-image. COINBASE Broker

COINBASE Isn’t the largest crypto exchange…

Coinbase isn’t the largest exchange in the world so as you can see from trading volume this is looking at the top cryptocurrency spot exchanges in terms of traffic liquidity trading volumes we can see binance has a much higher volume here compared to the coinbase exchange which is much much lower but coinbase is second on this list.

Largest crypto exchanges

Largest crypto exchanges. Source: https://coinmarketcap.com/rankings/exchanges/


However, in the world rankings coinbase comes in at number 13 in terms of volume traded in billions of dollars.

Coinbase is NOT the largest platform, but it is one of the easiest to use & they but are expanding into Germany and Japan. Coinbase has been granted the first crypto license in Germany.

COINBASE Investments into new products…

Coinbase is also investing heavily into a variety of new products, they’re currently allocating 10% of their capital into the new product range.

Bitcoin borrow , which allows users to borrow money using bitcoin as collateral.

Coinbase card,  which is already activewith visa so visa. Users can actually spend their cryptocurrency on everyday purchases.



Want to get paid to try coinbase?

Use link below 🤑 COINBASE: Free $10 of Bitcoin when you buy $100 crypto on platform. https://www.coinbase.com/join/alaimo_r1

COINBASE Cloud, Next Amazon Web Services?

Coinbase is also working on a platform called Coinbase Cloud. The idea of this is to be what amazon web services aws is to the internet.. so coinbase cloud will allow decentralized applications to be built on top of this platform.

For Software developers from their website. “Our API’s make it easy to build and connect your app to over 40 million Coinbase customers, integrate cryptocurrencies, and more.”

COINBASE FOUNDER, Next Elon Musk/Mark Zuckerberg?

The Ceo and founder of this company is Brian Armstrong.

He Has the traits of a great tech entrepreneur;

  • Long Term Vision
  • Deep Knowledge of Blockchain
  • Drive/Commitment 



He owns 17% of the company with insiders have a total of 23% of shares outstanding.

shareholder coinbase

shareholder coinbase. Source: Simply Wall street. 

Coinbase is also backed by some leading investors so we’ve got andreessen horowitz which is a leading venture capital firm they own six percent of the company.]

Coinbase stock board members

Coinbase stock board members. Marc Andreessen Legendary VC investor former early stage investor into AIrbnb & more!


The company’s revenue at the end of 2020 was 1.2 billion dollars, however the company’s revenue is skyrocketed by over 300 percent to 4.9 billion dollars.

so this is my advanced valuation model here i’ve plugged in all the numbers for coinbase and i’ve actually been really conservative in terms of the growth so previously it grew at 300 percent i’ve put next year it only grows at 30 and then the next two to five years 30 again.

coinbase stock valuation motivation2invest

coinbase stock valuation motivation2invest, Source: http://motivation2invest.com/stock-research/

coinbase stock valuation motivation2invest, Source: http://motivation2invest.com/stock-research/

coinbase stock valuation motivation2invest, Source: http://motivation2invest.com/stock-research/


YES! BUT WAIT! (be sure to read the risk section)

Coinbase stock undervalued right now value per share $342 and the share price is $248, so it’s definitely looking over 27% Undervalued.

PRICE TO SALES = 14   , PRICE TO SALES (Robinhood) = 27

Robinhood although stock broker platform also makes it’s revenue from “ORDER FLOW & TRADING VOLUME”.



There are now many different platforms where you can buy and sell cryptocurrency now compared to 2012 .


Coinbase share price will be pegged to the price of cryptocurrency , so if crypto booms once again the price of coinbase will go up because their transaction volume will equal more revenues for coinbase and if crypto plummets so will coinbase’s revenues!




Now i do understand this is how venture capital works they invest early stage companies and they exit at the ip,  but if a company founder really had a lot of faith in the company moving forward maybe they wouldn’t exit and sell as much of their stock.

coinbase stock insider selling

coinbase stock insider selling. Source: Simply Wall street.

FOUNDER & CEO Brian armstrong sold 291 million dollars worth . of shares ipo price of $410

andreessen horowitz sold $6 million worth of shares at $348  per share & close to $4 million worth at $230/share.


COINBASE is a fantastic company, growing extremely fast, profitable & could create a new “CRYPTO ECONOMY”. However, be aware of the risks of the companies share price being affected bu cryptocurrency, and the heavy competition with broker platforms.


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